Symposium paper and exhibition at Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, China

On 30 June I'll be delivering a paper at the symposium Letter from the East at the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts in Shenyang, China. The exhibition held in tandem with the symposium will include my two channel video work auch in ihnen flimmert Zeit (even there, time flickers) as well as the suite of related drawings I showed in Hangzhou in December 2018, at the China Academy of Art in Hangzhou.
My paper will be along similar lines to Notes on the development of visual ideas, which I delivered in Hangzhou last year, albeit with an expanded discussion of the role of memory in observational drawing, with a particular reference to the role of memory and imagination in traditional Chinese painting.
My thanks to the China Academy of Art for inviting me and to Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts for hosting the symposium and the exhibition.